Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I wanna ask u a question as i ask i suck in life or does life sucks?? well..apparently life consists of human beings and the environment co-operate with one fact, we do communicate and interact with our surroundings as a part of our daily routine..but what if..let's just say what if..we, don't have the ability nor the capability to communicate efficiently and appropriately and tend to flip?? what if, we, as the most complex mammal of the ecosystem, cannot survive in this humongous, vicious, and vigorous world of ours to keep??
intentionally..i thought, we may fall out of our league once in a while, but what exactly is league anyway?? is it classes?? classes that we, humans, classify our levels in the society?? why do we must classify us?? why do we have classes in our society?? to make us more..human?? to make us to believe we own the society?? to make us understand ourselves even more?? no..we make it for our security and to make our lives secure..because we, human beings, tend to be scared of the surroundings rather than be scared of what we are becoming!! in a sense of logic and respect, honor and disregarding our full purpose in this wold is to bring peace, unity, and prosperity to our lives..we, make up to our classes in order to survive in this world..that's a pity..
n what do i learn from my living in the past 23 years..i see that now, in some point in my life..i'm beginning to question where does the logic, where is the understanding in life?? does life have the answer to all our problems?? do our life was according to what it was intended to be?? do we tolerate and live our lives accordingly?? I just wonder why..
u see..during my school years in high school..i'm just me..being a teen..with ups and downs..more downs really..but perhaps that's the key to livng..the key to understanding the world from the eyes of a teenager..we have our own beliefs, our own point of view, our own education, we tend to be unrational at some point but still, under control by our beliefs and rationality at the time that point, our intentions was pure, without hesitation and full of purity..of the ability to blend be part of the high school community..u see..this is the effects of peers to ourselves..n the impact may prolong till we grow old..this is the effect of the society and the world around us to ourselves..
as we all know..the community consists of us, human beings..we run the place..we run the society..we run the government..etc. so in this circle of life, there is absolutely no perfections in measure of life..there is nearly perfection, but there is never a perfect measure..because we, human beings are not nearly perfect, we, human beings are rather beings that in fully capable of making mistakes trueout our lives..
yes..i know humans do intend to make things perfect, but perhaps the definition of perfection in terms of every individual is at mist?? we differ in terms of logics, beliefs, honor, heart, everything because we are our very own unique perfection in our own point of view absolutely differ between one another..maybe for example..Sally, loves to have a perfect evening just on the couch watching HBO, but Larry, on the other hand, prefers a perfect evening watching football at basically, we are who we are..and what we are meant to be..we can just try our best in life, don't give up, and be ourselves..eventually, we manage our lives just fine..

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